Tuesday, February 5, 2019


  Ancient Civilization Presentations
By Avi and Yiyi

The Intermediate class is studying ancient civilizations and their contributions to present-day life. Highlighted civilizations:  Early Middle East, China, India, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Students are reporting on geographic features, governments, religions, social structures, communication, featured cities, and the arts. When interviewed, Logan stated that he enjoys the prospect of learning about early civilizations. Eden believes it is good to learn about early civilizations and this project will give the class new learning opportunities.

Don’t miss the Intermediate class tri-folds,
showcasing their discoveries,
Wednesday, February 6, 2019, during
Hillel’s Jewish Learning Celebration.


"Mmm, Micro-greens--TASTY SCIENCE!"

Hillel is venturing into the agricultural world of hydroponic farming! As you make your way down the intermediate hallway, you will notice the sound of gurgling water and you will find the light brighter than usual. Thanks to the contributions of several generous, innovative people, particularly former Hillel parent, Shari Jacobs, the intermediate class will soon be harvesting its first crop of micro-greens grown through Riverponics Technology with careful setup and instruction from Nate Anderson from Anderson Vertical Farms.

Hillel is one of the first schools in the area using this technology to grow these nutritious, energizing foods. Students are totally invested in this experience. Arugula, broccoli, and radishes have sprouted and parsley will soon be planted. Each student has a specific job associated with the care of the garden They are checking the equipment and plants daily, gathering data, discovering nutritional qualities of the vegetables, and brainstorming imaginative uses in the near future.

Please make time to stop by to see Hillel’s newest addition. Soon, you too may discover that science lessons have never been so tasty!

The "vertical garden" is underway. Although it may look simplistic, there are many steps to follow before planting. This rack has the capacity to grow 18 flats at a time.


From left to right are the micro-greens planted one week ago:  arugula, radishes, broccoli.  The arugula will be ready for harvest by Friday. Consider this: We have a class 
full of students who can't wait to eat their vegetables!

Fresh, vitamin-packed broccoli with four times 
the nutrients of the full-grown plant.

Dayton Social Worker Visits
By Yiyi and Mrs. Niesley

As the intermediate class concluded the Difference Makers unit, Ms. Mary Collins, a
licensed social worker for Help Me Grow Brighter Futures, shared about the needs
of families with young children in the Dayton area.

In Ms. Collins' position, she often makes home visits, some by invitation, others requiredShe explained that if assumptions are made by her or the family she is visiting these assumptions might create barriers which could affect her ability to carry out her responsibilities. She challenged the class to consider assumptions we make about others every day and the problems they could cause.

Another highlight of the presentation was when she compared the intermediate class charts of compiled world issues with examples of similar problems in areas of Dayton, just blocks away from our school. After further discussion and numerous questions, both students and speaker determined it was time well-spent.

Intermediate students creating charts to document their world issue research.

Hillel's Difference Makers compiling knowledge of needs around the world.

Ms. Mary Collins from Help Me Grow Brighter Futures shared 
real-life issues in the Dayton area and shared simple ways 
in which we could make a difference in our corner of the world.


   Ancient Civilization Presentations By Avi and Yiyi The Intermediate class is studying ancient civilizations and their contrib...